SEEDS 2023

Tanzlabor mit Emi Miyoshi & Eleonora Teki Tekua

  • 04.09. - 08.09.2024
  • Produktionszentrum Tanz + Performance

In diesem Jahr trifft erstmalig die Choreografin Emi Miyoshi des Freiburger Kollektivs SHIBUI auf die Züricher Choreografin Eleonora Zweifel, Mitbegründerin der Kompanie TeKi TeKua. Im Rahmen des 5-tägigen Workshops vermitteln die Choreografinnen ihre choreografischen Ansätze und Ideen an professionelle Tänzer*innen aus Stuttgart und der Region, wodurch ein spannender Austausch sowohl zwischen den beiden Künstler*innen als auch mit den teilnehmenden Tänzer*innen entsteht. Das Tanzlabor SEEDS im Produktionszentrum wird mit einem informellen Get-Together mit Akteur*innen der lokalen Tanzszene am Dienstag eröffnet und mit einer Ergebnispräsentation am Donnerstag beendet.

Kosten und Anmeldung:

5-tägiger Workshop: 120,-€
Ermäßigt für Student*innen, PZ-Mitglieder: 95,-€

Anmeldung unter


Montag, 04.09.2024
14-17 Uhr Kick-Off & Get to Know the choreographers

Dienstag, 05.09.2024
11-17 Uhr Dance Lab 

Mittwoch, 06.09.2024
10-17 Uhr Dance Lab

Donnerstag, 07.09.2024

10-17 Uhr Dance Lab
19 Uhr Showing

Freitag, 08.09.2024
10-13 Uhr Conclusion & Feedback

Die Choreografinnen:

Emi Miyoshi has worked as a dancer in the company pretty ugly tanz koeln under the direction of Amanda Miller. In 2008 she received a grant from the Kunststiftung NRW and took part in the SiWiC (Swiss international further training course in choreography) as a choreographer. Since 2014 she has been producing in Freiburg under the name SHIBUI collective at the intersection of dance and installation. In 2017 and 2019, her productions MORINONAKA and IN MY ROOM won the Dance and Theater Prize for the best dance production of Baden-Wuerttemberg.

Despite using different sources for their creative work, Emi Miyoshi and the SHIBUI collective established strong connections among their pieces through a focus on universal human experiences. Japanese thought and movement patterns merge with contemporary dance to form Miyoshi's unique choreographic signature.

Eleonora TeKi TeKua completed her training as a stage dancer in Zurich (ZTTS) and as a dance teacher in Biel (ArtéDanse) after the art high school "Liceo Artistico". She then continued her education abroad (Los Angeles, Paris and New York). She was a member of Natalie Wagner's "Naway Dance Company" and is co-

founder of the Company "TeKi TeKua" (2006). As artistic director of the company she realized numerous shows, theatre productions and performances for commercial events.

Since 2005 she has been teaching various urban dance styles (from House to Hip Hop, Waacking, Voguing & Heels). She specializes in Contemporary Urban and Heels and its teaching to amateur and professional dancers. She is also an examiner at the "Höhere Fachschule für Zeitgenössisch Urbaner Tanz" in Zurich, Switzerland.