Performance von die apokalyptischen tänzer*innen

  • Thu, 07.03.2024
    20.00 pm
    Fri, 08.03.2024
    20.00 pm
  • Sat, 09.03.2024
    20.00 pm
    Sun, 10.03.2024
    15.00 pm
  • Theater Rampe

In EVERYTHING THAT IS BEAUTIFUL, we negotiate with relish the question of how we can think about social coexistence from the perspective of the beautiful experience without turning away from the crises and violence of the present. We ask ourselves what art would look like if the beautiful experience were at the center and thus attempt a practice of coping with the present.

The stage is filled with fog fronts that collide monumentally, physical sounds, flowing materials that make the bodies disappear, wind sensually across the floor, mud is produced and becomes a somatic extension, an excess, voices pour into sounds that are given space and time to develop into previously unheard sounds. In the field of tension between the pleasurable fulfillment of one's own performative desires and external expectations, a tensile test takes place: we offer a space to experience beauty and celebrate beauty in a variety of ways.

ALL THAT IS BEAUTIFUL is the third and final part of die apokalyptischen tänzerin*nen's exploration of the triangular relationship between audience, performers and stage. The evening brings together the questions and insights from the first (PHASES OF THE RUPTURE) and second (THE MOST CONSUMABLE SHOW ON EARTH) parts and searches for a narrative for this decade of crises.

We offer a stage walk/tactile introduction and integrated audio description for all performances.

BYOB&H - bring your own bathrobe & slippers

Am 7. März findet im Anschluss eine Premierenfeier im Atelier statt.

Artistic direction, performance: Mona Louisa-Melinka Hempel, Jasmin Schädler & calendal
Set design, performance:
Sophia Sadzakov
Sara Glojnarić
Production management:
Atelier for Art + Economy - Clair Bötschi
Assistance, Performance:
Hanna Ulmer
Nadja Weber & Rampe technical team
Dismantling Barrier Seeing:
Peter Luttringer & Dahab Borke
Dismantling the hearing barrier:
Hannah Liya Günter, Emil Mijic und Eva Mario Hasler
Sarah Tartsch

ALLES WAS SCHÖN IST ist ein Projekt von die apokalyptischen tänzerin*nen. Gefördert durch das Kulturamt der Stadt Stuttgart, das Förderprogramm Barrierefreiheit „Stuttgart für alle inklusiv“ und die Freie Tanz- und Theaterszene Stuttgart. In Kooperation mit dem Theater Rampe und dem Produktionszentrum Tanz und Performance e. V..


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Jasmin Schädler