Carina S. Clay

Carina S. Clay completed her dance education in contemporary, ballet and jazz at various private schools in Stuttgart and studied stage dance at the Folkwang Hochschule Essen. She participated in dance and pedagogical trainings and received certificates as 'Certified Instructor of HipHop' (Reebook University Heidelberg), 'Educated Teacher of HipHop' (instructors: Marco Marçal, Marilena Grafakos, Marvin A. Smith/Hamburg) and took part in the 'Urban Dance' advanced training in Locking, Popping, Electric Boogaloo, House and Samba Reggae with the instructors 'Storm' Nils Robitzky and Marco Marçal in 2004.

Since 2003 she organizes the youth culture event Meet HipHop in cooperation with the Tanz- und Theaterwerkstatt as artistic director and realizes numerous own productions in and around Stuttgart. In 2018 and 2019 she presented her production "Vertrauensfragen" during the Made in Stuttgart Festival as well as the Long Night of Museums at the Haus der Geschichte Baden-Württemberg and in 2021/22 she will lead the "eMotions-project" there as part of the exhibition "Hass. Was dich bewegt".




FIRE & ICE Practice Ball 21.12.2023 FIRE & ICE Practice Ball Ballroom Workshop & Ball HOUSE OF CRINOLINE 08.02. - 11.02.2024 HOUSE OF CRINOLINE Ein utopischer Salon mit Fashion, Voguing, Figurenspiel & Aktivismus Feuerbacher Kulturnacht 2022 02.04.2022 Feuerbacher Kulturnacht 2022 Produktionszentrum Tanz + Performance