Ismene Schell

The project is the people.

I am a networker. As the artistic director of frei bühne stuttgart, I work with stage artists of all disciplines and institutions in Stuttgart/region and worldwide. I work inclusively and interculturally with professionals and amateurs. I offer people in precarious life situations space and support to professionalize themselves in the artistic field and to gain a foothold in Stuttgart. I appreciate the Kessel. Everyone knows everyone here, it's like a big family. But the international collaboration with artists from all over the world takes my breath away.

Website freie bühne stuttgart



Theatertheke Stuttgart - GAME 13.07. - 21.07.2024 Theatertheke Stuttgart - GAME Performance von freie bühne stuttgart GIVE ME FIVE 23.11.2023 GIVE ME FIVE Performance von freie bühne stuttgart Infinity - Flash Moves 17.12.2023 Infinity - Flash Moves Theaterperformance von freie bühne stuttgart & Hakeem Sahep