Special edition as part of the puppet theatre showcase ‘FIGURE IT OUT’
Series of events by FITZ, Produktionszentrum Tanz + Performance & Stuttgarter Filmwinter
Every two months on a Tuesday evening, short contributions by artists from Stuttgart and Baden-Württemberg from the fields of theatre, dance and film combine to create a special cultural experience.
ORDYH // Stella Covi
ORDYH is a moment in which two bodies, one warm and full of life and the other completely frozen and lifeless, come together to complete what could intimately be called the ‘cancellation process’: Inevitably, the warmth of the human body will cause the icy mass to slowly disappear. What will be left then?
Concept, choreography, direction: Stella Covi
Photography, videography: Rowan Schratzberger
Music selection and live recording: Kosmas Dinh
20 litres O // Marius Alsleben & Arnaud Grandjean
A performer and 35 plastic canisters search for common ground and show communities that are built up and collapse again before they are stable. Awarded the Rudolf von Ems Small Art Prize by the jury and audience at the Homunculus Festival 2018.
Idea, play and concept: Marius Alsleben
Outside Eye: Clara Palau y Herrero
Thanks to: François Duconseille, Stephanie Rinke, Julika Mayer
Ropa Tendida (clothes on a leash) // Luis Hergón, Daura Hernández García
The dancers Luis Hergón and Daura Hernández García, both born in Tenerife, have lived in Germany for 17 and 9 years respectively and outside the Canary Islands for 21 years. ‘Ropa Tendida’ is a lovingly playful avance, mixing dance and drama, to a past place of life and longing: roofs.
Idee & Performance: Daura Hernández García und Luis Hergón
Musikalische Collage: Luis Hergón
Short film programme // Curated by Giovanna Thiery (Stuttgarter Filmwinter)
Kurzfilmprogramm // Kuratiert von Giovanna Thiery (Stuttgarter Filmwinter)
Kieslers Körper von Ganael Dumreicher, Österreich 2024, 4 Min
Schleim des Nichtwissens (Back To Comm) von Marc Richter, Deutschland 2024, 5:36 Min
Für Olga, von Pia Maria Martin, Deutschland 2009, 8 Min
Leinwand, Stefan Möckel, Deutschland 1998, 0:32 Min
Solidary price profile: 5,- / 10,- / 15,- / 20,- €
More about
Stella Covi
Daura Hernández García
Luis Hergón