Stella Covi is an Italian freelance artist. After graduating from l'école de danse de Cannes de Rosella Hightower (ESDC), she moved to Zurich to complete her Bachelor's degree at the Zurich University of the Arts in Performing Arts with a focus on Contemporary Dance. In September 2018, she joined the dance ensemble of Theater Pforzheim, where she worked for the following four years. From August 2022 she worked as a freelance dancer and performer in /mit: Tanztheater Katja Erdmann-Rajski (Stuttgart), Ornamenta Gala 2024 (Pforzheim), Tafelhalle (Nürnmberg), Max Levy (Frankfurt), Schauspiel Stuttgart, Staatsgalerie Stuttgart.
As choreographer: "23, 25, 27..." (Theater Pforzheim), "Am I free?" (Theater Pforzheim), "Mark", a choreography in collaboration with Selene Martello, "Au revoir" (Theater Pforzheim). Her latest work is a choreography in collaboration with Elena Cattardico, "Noi, Cinema Paradiso" (Metropol Kino, Stuttgart).
In 2021 Stella earned a Master's degree in Arts and Culture Management at Rome Business School.