Paco Ladrón de Guevara

Paco Ladrón de Guevara (Granada, Spain. 1997) focuses his artistic research on dance and visual arts using different languages as installation, drawing or performance to materialize his projects. After graduating in Fine Arts and having an independent dance formation in Berlin and Brussels, he worked as a professional dancer in Aura Dance Theatre Company (Kaunas, Lithuania) and Ballet Theater Pforzheim. Paco held his last solo show “What the body thinks about gravity” (2021) in Lithuania and took part in collective exhibitions like “XXXVI Rioja National Art Contest” (2020), winning the second prize with his video work “Dialogue with the spinning-top”. In the last two years, Paco choreographed pieces like “Underneath a shell” (2021) with Arunas Mozuraitis and “We are the ones (fragment of thought II)” (2022).

Lastly, it is worth mentioning his teaching labour, with movement research and contemporary drawing workshops in cities like Granada, Madrid, Kaunas and Pforzheim.



PEGAJOSO 25.09. - 27.09.2024 PEGAJOSO Visuelle Ausstellung mit Live Performance von Paco Ladrón de Guevara SHORTIES 18.02.2025 SHORTIES Tanz, Theater, Film Bound 08.03.2025 Bound Sharing Workshop von Johannes Blattner SHORTIES 17.10.2023 SHORTIES Tanz, Theater, Film INTERVENTIONEN 2024 der FTTS 23.08. - 31.08.24 INTERVENTIONEN 2024 der FTTS Klang, Performances & Installationen im historischen Wasserspeicher Stuttgart SOLO CHOREO 2025 12.03.2025 Stuttgart SOLO CHOREO 2025 Auftakt zum 29. Internationalen Solo-Tanz-Theater Festival Stuttgart SOLO CHOREO 2023 15.03.2023 Stuttgart SOLO CHOREO 2023 Auftakt zum 27. Internationalen Solo-Tanz-Theater-Festival Stuttgart