The Stuttgart Solo Choreo is taking place for the fourth time as a prelude to the International Solo Dance Theatre Festival at Rotebühlplatz. Once again this year, exceptional artists from Stuttgart's dance scene will showcase their work, reflecting the diversity and strength of the independent scene. The Solo Choreo pieces are out of competition with the international festival competition and will not be awarded prizes.
REPENTISMO-Struktur im Chaos
Choreografie & Performance: Gabriela Velasco
No one else but me (and a Vacuum cleaner)
Choreography & Performance: Paco Ladrón de Guevara
Sound of Rain
Choreography: Sawako Nunotani
Performance: Johannes Blattner
Elusive Matter
Choreography & Performance: Bar Gonen
Choreography: Yahi Nestor Gahe
Performance: Carlos Dou Becho
In addition, a professional workshop and a speed meeting brunch at the Tanz + Performance production centre for Stuttgart artists and international festival participants will take place again this year as part of the festival.
Saturday, 18/03/2023, 14.00 - 15.30 pm
Lecture Workshop "The body as a solo scenic figure" // Lina Do Carmo
Saturday, 18/03/2023, 16.00 - 17.30 pm
Workshop Contemporary Dance for professional dancers // Samuli Emery
Sunday, 19/03/2023, 10.00 - 1.00 pm
More about
Sawako Nunotani
Johannes Blattner
Bar Gonen
Gabriela Velasco
Paco Ladrón de Guevara
Yahi Nestor Gahé