Sawako Nunotani

Dancer and choreographer, trained in Japan. Her work is characterised by the fact that she explicitly includes the personalities of all participants, their characters and cultural backgrounds in her work.

A special feature is her collaboration with artists of other genres. These include artists from the visual arts, sculpture, lighting direction and composition.

As a founding member of Kollektiv dots, Nunotani brings consistency to the development of productions that also aim to communicate with people through an expanded dance format.

Kollektiv Dots



SACRE 4.0 25.05. - 26.05.2024 SACRE 4.0 Live-Musik, Tanz und digitale Bilderwelten von MEINHARDT&KRAUSS Stuttgart SOLO CHOREO 2023 15.03.2023 Stuttgart SOLO CHOREO 2023 Auftakt zum 27. Internationalen Solo-Tanz-Theater-Festival Stuttgart Hellsehen 21.09. - 22.09.2024 Hellsehen Tanzperformance von Kollektiv dots LA RÉCRÉ - DIE PAUSE 05.10. - 19.10.2024 LA RÉCRÉ - DIE PAUSE Escape Theater mit Sawako Nunotani EXISTANZ 16.10.2024 EXISTANZ Tanzperformance von Sawako Nunotani SHORTIES 05.12.2023 SHORTIES Tanz, Theater, Film Feuerbacher Kulturnacht 2024 13.04.2024 Feuerbacher Kulturnacht 2024 »behind the scenes« im Produktionszentrum Tanz + Performance Feuerbacher Kulturnacht 2023 22.04.2023 Feuerbacher Kulturnacht 2023 Produktionszentrum Tanz + Performance e.V.